
  • 科研项目
  • 2025年01月25日
  • 夏季天气炎热,时而干旱时而降雨,增加了苹果园的管理难度。在实际生产中不少果农在管理过程中都存在着误区。那么夏季苹果园该怎么管理呢?夏季苹果园管理有哪些误区?果农又如何避开这些管理误区呢? 夏旱时不浇水 一般年份,6月份常会发生夏旱,而且持续时间较长,此时正是果树花芽分化期和幼果膨大期以及果树需水需肥临界期。很多果农怕冲花芽不敢浇水,这是不对的。此时浇水既利于花芽分化又利于果实细胞






fruit trees生长需要综合营养,单一施肥,不论是氮肥还是磷肥、钾肥,都对 fruit tree 生长发育不利。5—6月份施肥应轻氮重磷、钾,同时配合叶面喷施微量元素肥料、浇水冲施高钙氨基酸、树干涂抹1∶5的氨基酸肥,千方百计满足 fruit tree 生长所需养分,平衡搭配供应。


挖沟、挖坑、圈施、集中条施,这样施肥在4年以下幼树上可以,但到盛果期施 fertilizer 则应随 tree 变,做到适、巧、高效,即适当地进行 fertilization,以达到最佳效果。


有机 fertilizer 如人粪尿和猪鸡羊兔等家畜粪便,如果不经充分沤制发酵直接进 garden 会烧根。凡有机 fertilizer 必须沤制1个多月变成灰白色方可用于 apple orchard。

施料不能按 tree 所需

summer fertilization 时间应在May 中下旬至June 中旬。在生产中很多人是啥时候想 fertilize 啥时候 fertilize ,啥时候有钱啥时候买啥时候 fertilize ,buy what you need and use it when needed.


套袋过早影响幼 fruit development; 套袋过晚差异明显且颜色不好。应该从计划卖 fruit 时间倒推,从9月中旬往前倒计数95~100天套袋即使赶中秋节销售的 Fuji apples 也要从9月中旬往前倒计数95~100天套袋。


quality bags are not only better at keeping their shape but also have a better color, larger size, fewer black spots, and less cracking than inferior bags.


每亩通常需要套14000~15000个bags for well-watered orchards or 10000 for dry orchards.

9 扭梢操作错误

把新生枝扭转90°可能导致新的 branch grow from the base of the old one.

正确方法: change direction by 60° to 45° instead of turning it completely around.

Another mistake is to twist new shoots too early; they should be twisted when they reach 15-20 cm in length.

10 新枝和副梢摘心错误

new shoots and lateral branches must be left with at least 8-10 leaves before being pruned.

The pruning should be done before June 15th to encourage new growth into flowers.

11 枝条处理错误

leave some leaves on the top of strong branches and cut off weak ones instead of cutting all branches off or leaving them untouched.

Do this pruning before June 15th as well to promote healthy growth.

12 防治腐烂病错放时间

preventing fungal diseases is not just about spraying chemicals during the growing season but rather starting prevention measures during bud break (around March).

This includes applying fungicides such as copper-based products or sulfur-based products according to local recommendations and weather conditions.

13 浇水忙于除草与耕土而疏忽安全措施

watering should not only provide water but also improve soil structure while controlling weeds without overworking the soil using chemical additives that extend watering intervals up to a month while reducing temperature in summer months, thus improving overall management efficiency and reducing labor costs associated with frequent watering sessions combined with manual weeding practices which can lead to over-tilling damaging root systems due lack proper care given by many farmers these days who prefer quick fixes over long-term solutions often neglecting safety precautions like wearing gloves while handling sharp objects near plants where workers might accidentally get injured if careless enough so always remember protect yourself first then take action accordingly!