
  • 科普动态
  • 2025年03月03日
  • 蒙顶甘露,作为一款历史悠久的名茶,它不仅是茶界的先驱,更是品味生活的象征。产自四川省名山和雅安两县交汇处的蒙山,这片神秘而又宁静的地方,是蒙顶甘露独特风味所在。 采摘时期恰到好处,精选细嫩的一芽或一叶初展,每一朵都如同天上的星辰般璀璨。加工过程中,我们采用高温杀青、三炒三揉、解块整形、精细烘焙等传统工艺,将自然之美与人间智慧巧妙地结合。 蒙顶甘露以其丰富多样的种类著称,从香醇的“甘露”






让我们一起沉浸在这杯古色古香的大师作品中,让每一次呼吸都是对生活充实感的一种享受。 Montgomery's Honey Dew, the legendary tea that has been cherished for centuries, is a true masterpiece of tea craftsmanship. Grown in the misty mountains of Sichuan Province, it is a testament to the art of tea-making and the beauty of nature.

The leaves are carefully hand-picked at their peak freshness, with only the finest buds and young leaves selected for their delicate flavor and aroma. The traditional processing methods include high-temperature killing green, triple roasting and kneading, breaking up into blocks, and precise baking.

Montgomery's Honey Dew offers a diverse range of varieties, from the sweet and floral "Gan Lu" to the fresh and tender "Huang Ya", as well as elegant "Shi Hua", "Yue Ye Chang Chun", and crisp "Wan Chun Yin Zhen". Among them all, however, it is undoubtedly "Gan Lu" that holds pride of place among tea connoisseurs.

In 1959, Montgomery's Honey Dew was officially recognized as one of China's National Teas. It has since received numerous awards at national level through provincial levels to departmental levels. Today it remains an iconic symbol of Chinese culture on international stages.

Its unique qualities - rich flavor profile combined with exceptional craftsmanship - have made this tea an enduring favorite around world. Whether enjoyed alone or shared with friends over a cuppa chat session or family gatherings during special occasions; Montgomery's Honey Dew offers more than just a refreshing beverage experience but also serves as reminder about our connection to tradition while embracing change & growth in life itself
