
  • 科普文章
  • 2025年01月21日
  • 在黄山栾树与苦楝的争辉中,谁能成为十五公分白蜡的主宰? 黄山栾树春天披上红衣嫩叶,夏日金光满枝头,秋风里变身为黄装,让人忍不住驻足欣赏其灯笼般的紫红果实。而它适应环境之强、季节变化之明显,使其成为了理想的观叶绿化佳品。 让我们来细数两者的差异。首先是黄山栾树,它是一种落叶乔木,可以高达15米,拥有奇数羽状复叶或二回羽状复叶,小叶通常7-15枚,每一片长3-10厘米。其树皮暗灰色,有着纵向裂痕





花期 arrives in June and July, with golden flowers forming large, cone-shaped clusters. The fruit is an elaiosome, triangular in shape and made up of membranous scales that form a lantern-like structure. As autumn approaches, the fruit turns red.

Now let's turn to the Zelkova tree. Also a deciduous tree, it can reach heights of over 10 meters. Its bark is grey-brown and has longitudinal fissures. The branches are spreading and small twigs have leaf scars.

The leaves are arranged alternately on the stem in a two or three whorled pattern and are composed of 3-5 leaflets that measure between 20-40 centimeters long by 8-12 centimeters wide. Each leaflet is elliptical or lanceolate with a pointed tip at one end and an irregularly shaped base.

The edges of the leaves have fine teeth but no serrations or lobes on either surface when mature though they may be covered with star-shaped hairs when young. There are usually about 12 veins running down each side from the midrib to the edge of each leaflet.

In conclusion, while both trees share some similarities such as their deciduous nature and ability to grow tall, they also have distinct differences that set them apart from one another - like fifteen-centimeter white wax dripping from their branches under different seasons' whispers.

As we delve deeper into understanding these two species' unique characteristics through comparison against this mysterious "fifteen-centimeter white wax", will we find our answer?