
  • 科研进展
  • 2024年12月24日
  • 很多人不知道冰冻金鲳鱼怎么做好吃又简单,金鲳鱼的营养价值很高,对许多疾病的预防和治疗都有好处,而把它做得美味更能使它发挥自己的作用。那么今天小编就来给大家介绍金昌鱼家常做法大全。容易操作,成品美味。 一、红烧鲳鱼 原料:鲳鱼2条、郫县豆瓣酱1勺、甜面酱1勺、红米椒一个、青蒜1根、葱3根切段,姜4片切片,大蒜6瓣切末。 步骤: 鲨鱼洗净控水划两刀。 锅中倒油烧至五六成热


















原料:鸡肠500g, 糖200g, 酸梅醋150ml, 盐少许, 姚江辣椒少许.


准备工作: 将鸡肠冲洗干净,与凉水一起搓揉几遍,然后冲洗干净,除掉血污等杂质;

2.Cut the chicken gizzard into bite-sized pieces and rinse them in cold water to remove any impurities.

3.Rinse the chicken gizzard again and then soak it in cold water for about 10 minutes before draining the water.

4.Clean up and prepare ingredients: Wash ginger slices with hot water to remove bitterness; Wash scallions with hot water as well; Slice green onions into small rings for garnish;

5.Add oil to a pan over medium heat until it's slightly smoky, add ginger slices and stir-fry until fragrant;

6.Add chicken gizzards that have been marinated in salted soy sauce (or you can use plain soy sauce) and cook until they're browned on both sides;

7.Add sugar to balance out the acidity from vinegar.


材料:西红柿300G左右,每个约为20-25CM长宽各半,可根据自己喜好大小挑选。鸡蛋8只,植物油适量。大葱绿尖部份15毫升,大 蒜12粒。鹰嘴豆沙拉酱或其他调味品(如牛奶/酸奶)适量。


1.Pour vegetable oil into a pan over medium-high heat when it reaches smoking point add minced garlic & chopped green onion (green part only) fry till golden brown then set aside for later use.

2.Beaten eggs are added into the same pan pour beaten egg mixture evenly distribute around the pan let cook for 30 seconds or so before breaking up gently with spatula continue cooking until scrambled but not too dry adjust seasoning accordingly if needed while cooking.


材料:土豆750G - 800G,一些细磨碎的大蒜,一些细磨碎的洋葱或者洋葱丁。一杯牛奶,可以加一些重庆麻辣粉里的辣椒花籽增添麻辣口感。如果喜欢更丰富的地道土豆泥,可以加入一些橄榄油或芝士粉增加风味。


1.Wash potatoes thoroughly peel them using your hands carefully cut them into large chunks place them in a pot filled with enough cold running tap water cover potatoes completely by at least an inch of extra space above their topside make sure there is enough room between each potato chunk so they won't stick together during boiling process boil these chunks on high flame stirring occasionally after every few minutes making sure all parts of potatoes are submerged under boiling liquid once boiled turn off stove allow cooling down naturally don't drain excess liquid yet wait some time longer than you think necessary after turning off fire let sit untouched at room temperature without refrigeration prior to mashing step keep this temp unchanged throughout entire procedure otherwise risk losing desired texture consistency!

2.Take cooled cooked diced tubers mash using fork or potato masher work through entire batch slowly ensuring no lumps remain return mashed result back inside pot reheat covered under low simmering steam reduce heat level right away just enough maintain steady gentle bubbles below surface do not let boil vigorously while reheating because excessive pressure could cause particles separating out becoming unpleasantly grainy mess like sandpaper scrape against tongue causing discomfort consuming experience!

In summary there are many ways you can enjoy your fish by trying different recipes such as steaming baking frying etcetera which will be perfect if done correctly leading towards better health outcomes overall positive impact upon our bodies especially those who consume seafood regularly considering its numerous nutritional benefits!