
  • 科研进展
  • 2025年03月19日
  • 在当今这个数字化转型的时代,随着大数据、物联网(IoT)、人工智能(AI)等新技术的快速发展,工业互联网技术正逐渐成为推动制造业向智能化转变的关键驱动力。工业互联网不仅仅是传统工业控制系统和信息技术之间的一种融合,它更是一种全新的生产方式,它将以高效、灵活、高质量为目标,以满足市场多样化需求。在这个过程中,边缘计算与云服务作为两大支柱,为工业互联网提供了强有力的支持。 1.1 什么是边缘计算?



1.1 什么是边缘计算?


1.2 边缘计算在工业互联网中的应用


2 云服务:Industrial Internet 的另一半


2.1 云平台支持 Industrial Internet 的关键功能

安全性: 对于敏感行业,如医疗保健或国防,其工作必须保持高度安全性。

**可扩展性": 无论业务需求如何变化,大规模集群都能轻松地进行水平扩展。

**成本效益": 不再需要维护昂贵硬件,而是只支付所需资源使用费。

**灵活性": 许多云平台允许用户根据自己的需要定制解决方案。

3 边际与云之所以成功的一个原因

成功实施 Industrial Internet 需要同时结合两个方面,即利用局部优势(如边际)以及全球性的资源池(如Cloud)。这意味着组织必须了解自己具体场景下的最佳实践,但同时也要确保他们拥有必要的手段去适应不断变化的情况。这是一个平衡游戏,但是,当正确执行时,这些优势相互补充,将带来巨大的创新潜力。


Edge computing and cloud services are the two pillars of industrial internet, which provide a powerful support for the development of industrial internet technology. The edge computing brings real-time monitoring and analysis capabilities to the production process, while cloud services offer scalable infrastructure and cost-effective solutions to businesses. By combining these two technologies, organizations can achieve greater efficiency, flexibility, and innovation in their operations.

This article highlights the importance of edge computing and cloud services in supporting industrial internet technology. It also emphasizes that a balanced approach is needed to leverage both local advantages (edge) and global resources (cloud). By doing so, organizations can unlock new opportunities for innovation and growth in today's digital economy.

In conclusion, as we move towards an increasingly connected world where data-driven decision-making becomes more prevalent than ever before; it is crucial that we understand how edge computing & cloud services work together to form an integral part of our future technological landscape - one where industry will be transformed through smart machines working hand-in-hand with intelligent systems designed by humans themselves!