
  • 图片资讯
  • 2024年12月19日
  • 我还记得他们在雨后的校园里,肩并肩地跑过草坪时的笑声。那一刻,他们仿佛全世界都只有他们两个。段嘉许和桑稚做哭的那段,那是我们永远难忘的回忆。 那天,下着小雨,湿透了他们的头发,但没有让他们停下脚步。阳光穿透云层,把它们打湿后又重新释放出来,就像段嘉许和桑稚之间的情谊一样,即使经历风霜,也能越发坚韧。 段嘉许和桑稚做哭的那段,是关于青春、友情的一首诗。每当我想起那个场景





Segment of Tears: The Unforgettable Friendship between Segment Jiaxi and Xan Chi

In the rain-soaked schoolyard, they ran side by side across the lawn, their laughter echoing through the air. It was as if they were the only two people in the world at that moment. That segment of tears, where Segment Jiaxi and Xan Chi broke down in each other's arms, is a memory we will never forget.

On that day, it was raining lightly, soaking their hair but not stopping them from moving forward. The sun shone through the clouds after getting wet again just like their friendship - no matter how many storms it faced, it only grew stronger.

That segment of tears is a poem about youth and friendship. Every time I think back to that scene, I can feel the passion and energy of those young souls. In countless mornings when dawn first breaks into our dormitory room; we always find ourselves thinking about that afternoon after the rain without fail.

