
  • 图片资讯
  • 2025年01月25日
  • 夏季苹果园管理误区解析 在炎热的夏季,干旱和突降雨加剧了苹果园的管理难度。许多果农在实际生产中都存在一些误区。那么,我们如何正确地管理夏季的苹果园呢?又有哪些是我们需要避免的误区? 夏天不浇水 很多果农担心浇水会冲刷花芽,因此忽略了6月份正是花芽分化期和幼果膨大期,以及果树需水需肥临界期。在这种情况下,适当的浇水既有利于花芽分化,也有利于果实细胞的膨大,这可以减少秋季果面微裂现象。 单一施用化肥







fruit trees need comprehensive nutrition, and single use of nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium fertilizer is not conducive to fruit tree growth and development. From May to June, it's recommended to apply a combination of light nitrogen, heavy phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, as well as spraying microelement fertilizers on the leaves during watering.


While concentrated application of fertilizers can be effective for young trees under 4 years old, it's important to adjust the method as the trees grow older. Instead of digging trenches or circles for fertilizer application, adopt an approach that is suitable for mature trees: timely application, clever combination with other nutrients, shallow but even distribution.


Fresh organic waste such as animal manure should be composted for at least a month before being used in the orchard to avoid burning tree roots.


Fertilizer applications should be timed between late May and early June according to specific needs rather than relying on arbitrary schedules based on availability of funds or other factors.


Sleeves should not be applied too early or too late; instead they should be planned around harvest time – 85-90 days before sale date for early varieties and so on.


High-quality sleeves will result in better fruit appearance while inferior ones may lead to poor quality fruits with more black spots etc.. Choose wood pulp paper bags which don't deform when set fire compared with grass pulp paper bags which lose their shape after being set fire easily breaking off by hand when picked up.

8. 避免套袋数量过多以追求更高效益而非质量提升

Aim at increasing profit through selling high-quality fruits rather than overusing sleeve quantity which causes excessive consumption from the tree leading potentially bad results like rotten diseases due lack of care towards these aspects.

9. 扭梢操作失当

When bending new branches back by 90 degrees without realizing that new shoots may emerge from base part causing more sprouts.

10. 新枝和副梢摘心处理不当

New shoots and branchlets must have at least 8-10 leaves remaining otherwise they cannot regenerate flowers effectively if removed too soon (before June15th).

11. 处理枝条方式失当

Leave leaf nodes intact where strong branches are growing upwardly (top) either cutting them off completely without any replacement option or avoiding this altogether.

12. 防治腐烂病时机错误

Instead focus prevention measures during growth season especially focusing period when plants start budding (June-August), using appropriate fungicides like Tridemorphin-based solutions sprayed onto plant stems/trunks.

13._ 浇水时忙于耕土除草而疏忽重要事项

Combining water sprinkling with soil conditioning agents eliminating deep plowing work meanwhile applying herbicides killing weeds effectively maintaining good moisture levels lasting up until another spray round approximately within two weeks allowing temperature reduction & loosening soil texture simultaneously solving multiple issues through one action taken efficiently thus saving resources/time spent overall improving efficiency while reducing potential risks related problems caused by overuse/ignorance about proper methods implemented correctly in orchards today!
