记得小时候,每到夏天,叔叔都会带我去他那边的农村玩。那个时候的我总是好奇地看着那些大人们忙碌着,问:“叔叔帮你看看长大了吗?”Uncle would chuckle and pat my head, saying, “You're growing up too fast.”
Uncle often took me to his farm during summer vacations. I would ask him, "Uncle, can you see how much I've grown?" He would smile and say, "You're growing up too quickly."
Every time I returned home, I could see my reflection in the mirror slowly changing. I started to enjoy playing with other kids instead of relying on adults as much as before. During this process, I also learned many things like how to plant vegetables or care for animals and solve simple problems.
现在,当我回想起那些时光,我会感谢Uncle不仅给予了我成长的空间,也教会了我许多宝贵的人生技能。每当有人问起我的童年故事时,我就会说,“UNCLE让我的童年充满了收获。”And when people ask about my childhood stories now, I tell them that Uncle made my childhood a harvest of memories.
Now when people ask about my childhood stories nowdays ,I will say,"uncle made it so rich"